Create my shop

For free in just a few clicks


Our hosting offers are inspired by the SaaS model, which was implemented using DOCKER containers : for each hosting request, Aquila CMS both an Aquila CMS image and a mongo DB image (available on Dockerhub) are deployed.

This flexible and agile technology gives you the ability to set up an Aquila in afew seconds.

From your Aquila shop account customer, you can manage your hosting and find all information regarding connection.

Community Aquila offer

Free offer for developers

This offer is ideal for developers who want to test Aquila CMS to create and deploy an e-commerce website. In just a few clicks, the CMS is automatically deployed and you have a direct access of the back office and the shop.

Professional Aquila offer

This offer will be based on the Kubernetes Kapsule technology proposed by scaleway to guarantee high availability and hosting scalability.

Coming soon

Enterprise Aquila offer

We propose an offer dedicate and tailored for the hosting of your Aquila CMS website : dedicated server or manage service, we will be building with you the hosting the best adapted for you.

Contact-us to build the hosting you need.

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